Sunday, March 7, 2010

From Sevilla to Madrid and back!

I am failing at writing on this thing on a frequent basis, but I promise I am trying! Okay, so in most recent news, I took a 3-day trip with 3 other girls to Madrid and Toledo. Madrid is, of course, the capital of Spain, and Toledo is the old capital of Spain, so it was cool to see them both in one trip. Madrid was really cool. It was a huge city bustling with people and it reminded me a little of New York City. It had big buildings, big plazas, lots of people, and lots to do! We did pretty well managing our time so that we could see all the important things. We were using tour guide books (we love Rick Steve!) and maps to make sure we didn't miss anything. We saw many important buildings and monuments, visited El Retiro Park, and went in the Cathedral. I am going to give you a little mini-tour of Madrid via my blog:

This is the "El Oso y El Madroño" statue, or "The Bear and the Strawberry Tree" and it is the symbol of Madrid. (and I like to try and imitate it.) It is located in Puerta del Sol, the most central and well-known plaza in Madrid.

This is the Casa de la Panaderia, located in Plaza Mayor, and it is Franco's old headquarters.

This is the outside of the Prado Museum, home of many famous works by Goya, Velasquez, and many more. The art inside of here was incredible, but sorry, no pictures allowed!

Here I am at Plaza de España hangin' out with Don Quijote and Sancho Panza. There is a huge monument of Cervantes, the writer of Don Quijote, with his two main characters featured in front!

We also visited the famous park called El Retiro. This is what we came across while we were there:

Que bonita! (How beautiful!)

So those are the main highlights of Madrid. We also went to Toledo, a much smaller and Spanish-looking town. After having a picnic lunch in the park, we took a ton of pictures at this sweet lookout:

We also tried mazapán, the delicacy for which Toledo is famous. Rick Steve told us to try it at a bakery called Santo Tome, so of course we did and it was delicious. Mazapán is made of almonds, honey, sugur, and sometimes fruit, and it is quite tasty, or at least Kellsey and I thought so.

Toledo is also famous for knives and swords, so we spent a good bit of time souvenir shopping for our friends! All in all we had successful trips!

I have more to write about but it will have to wait because I have a paper awaiting me! Here is us representing the Heels up in Toledo!

Hasta luego :)

..."I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:20

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